Frequently Asked Questions

  • In late Winter, each LEA selected either the in-person or virtual option on behalf of the district. Please reach out to your grant manager if you have questions about which option applies to your group. If attending in-person, you will need to obtain the district-specific ticket code for your LEA. If attending virtually, you may register directly here.

  • From a content perspective, nothing! We will offer the same sessions and opportunities for collaboration and planning to both groups. We know each option has perks and disadvantages, so we hope you and your colleagues are able to participate in the way that works best for your group.

  • All LEA high schools in the Grow Your Own grant program must participate in the Summer Institute (either in-person or virtual). Participants should include E&T course teachers, campus principals, and college/career counselors. Principals and counselors will only be required to attend the first day; teachers are required to attend all three days. Attendance by grant managers, IHE/EPP partners, and student ambassadors is recommended and optional.

  • We are aware of the conflicts and are working on a backup set of dates for those who are conflicted out because of these conflicts.

  • During the weeks leading up to the in-person Summer Institute, our planning committee will be closely monitoring the Covid-19 virus. We encourage individuals to mask or maintain physical distance based on their personal level of comfort. Closer to the event, we will publish any venue requirements or updates based on the current situation and legislation.

  • Yes! Please check out the hotel and lodging page here.