GYO In-Person Agenda
Please note the following schedule is subject to change. The overarching start/end times will not change.
Day 1
Monday, June 27
Registration opens Monday, June 27th at 8:30 AM at the UT Commons Conference Center (10100 Burnet Rd., Building 137, Austin, TX 78758). Please note that the opening session will start promptly at 9:00 AM.
Welcome participants and describe rationale and purpose (roll call by region)
Review agenda and objectives for Summer Institute
Orient participants to check-in, check-out and logistics
Understand grant management
Describe implementation support for E&T teachers
5-minute stretch break
Action planning whole group overview
Action plan for implementation of E&T courses in 2022-2023
The café at UT Commons Conference Center will be open, and there are numerous dining options close to the conference spaces! Following lunch, cohorts will transition to their respective break-out spaces for the afternoon.
Describe the design process and key elements of the curriculum
Describe the lesson plan structure and key elements of lesson plans
Review and reflect on the draft scope and sequence documents
Identify and discuss underlying skills and essential questions taught throughout the first unit of Instructional Practices
Analyze a sample lesson plan to identify common elements of the curriculum and opportunities to adapt the material to an individual context
Use double planning as a tool to internalize and practice a lesson from Instructional Practices
Debrief the day and unpack implementation hopes and fears
Identify best practices to create sustainability for high-quality E&T courses
Develop relationships with colleagues who can provide ongoing thought-partnership and support
Day 2
Tuesday, June 28
Reflect on why participants chose a career in teaching and identify how that influences the way they talk about the profession
Develop messages and supports that will authentically communicate the value and purpose of the Education and Training courses to inform and inspire students
Determine ways to address student questions that are likely to arise across the three Education and Training courses
Read and reflect on the science of learning article from Deans for Impact and its implications for instruction
Review the science of learning unit lesson objectives
Prepare and practice selected lessons and lesson components from the science of learning unit
The café at UT Commons Conference Center will be open, and there are numerous dining options close to the conference spaces! Following lunch, cohorts will transition to their respective break-out spaces for the afternoon.
Understand the approach to instructional alignment and integration of high-quality instructional materials for Instructional Practices
Internalize the instructional alignment units through the practice of selected lessons and lesson components
Identify and understand key concepts in the scope and sequence of Practicum
Identify and provide feedback on the planned tools for students to use to reflect and learn in the mentor teacher’s classroom
Understand rationale and options for sequencing Practicum and getting students into classrooms early in the year
Develop a plan to assist students in using Practicum as a starting point to college or education program admissions
Day 3
Wednesday, June 29
Identify professionalism and employability skills taught across the E&T curriculum
Identify and share best practices to support student’s development of life-long learning skills
Explore best practices for teaching and modeling professionalism and employability skills
Understand the aims of Principles of Education and Training through the lens of the essential questions
Identity concepts covered in the scope and sequence of Principles of Education and Training
Identify opportunities and challenges related to executing the curriculum by internalizing and practicing sample lessons from Principles of Education and Training
The café at UT Commons Conference Center will be open, and there are numerous dining options close to the conference spaces! Following lunch, cohorts will transition to their respective break-out spaces for the afternoon.
Reflect on individual experience at Summer Institute and how it will lead to positive student outcomes through the Education and Training courses
Identify areas of hope and fear for participants and district teams as they look to implement the Education and Training pilot curriculum
Discuss best practices for engaging colleagues as collaborators across the three Education and Training courses