GYO Virtual Schedule

Please note the following schedule is subject to change. Times for the session will be announced at a later date.

Day 1
Monday, July 18

    • Setting of purpose for the Summer Institute: reiteration of purpose of Grow Your Own (GYO) program

    • Connection to teacher pipeline needs

    • Outline of the theory of change of Grow Your Own and the role of the Education & Training (E&T) courses in attracting students into the profession

    • Role of RTI and introduction of facilitators

    • Logistics for the 3 days

    • Grant management

    • Lesson Study and coaching requirement

    • Planning for 2022-2023

    • Introductions to the working cohorts for the rest of the Summer Institute time

    • Norm setting

    • Reflective activity on experiences with E&T courses

    • Review of 3-day agenda

    • Introduction to participant guide.

    • Review and reflection on the unit overviews and the updated TEKS for each course

    • Description of the design process

    • Review of what we hope to gain from the pilot year

    • Lesson plan structure

    • Overview of IP units and rationale for approach

    • Internalization and practice of management and routine units

    • Internalizing and practicing Day 1 and Day 2 lessons

    • Group reflection on the day

    • Review of the materials in the three courses

    • Introduction to Lessons Study and supporting teachers in implementation of curriculum

    • “Look-fors” in E&T teacher classrooms

    • Group reflection on the day

Day 2
Tuesday, July 19

  • Facilitated conversation focused sharing practices across district teachers including:

    • What messages and supports will you send students in the E&T courses to encourage student interest and ignite a passion for education?

    • What norms will you set around how students talk about other teachers in their building?

    • How will you help students examine critically their own perceptions of good teaching?

    • What supports will you give students to take the final step to enter a post-secondary teaching program?

  • Internalization and practice of select lessons from the science of learning and instructional alignment including the application of HQIM materials

  • Review of Lesson Study model that will be used during pilot year

    • Course overview and essential questions

    • Introduction and explanation of the resources in Practicum course

    • Exploration of available tools

    • Best practices for collaborating and aligning classroom teaching with field-based experiences

Day 3
Wednesday, July 20

  • Facilitated conversation focused on where professionalism and employability skills are taught across the E&T curriculum and sharing best practices for supporting student’s development of life-long learning skills.

    • Overview of units and rationale

    • Internalization and practice of select units

    • Group reflection on the day

    • Establishing coaching groups, times for virtual meetings and planning for implementation

    • Staging for lesson study and coaching

    • Reflection on learnings and inspiration from institute

    • Last 15 minutes for evaluation completion and coaching sign up